Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My new adventure

Welcome to my blog, A Work in Progress.

As I sit here and nervously type, I wonder what exactly I should say. Maybe you want to know what I hope to accomplish by doing this blog.

Well, I wonder that too. I've been thinking of doing this for a long time. It usually takes me a long time to make a decision, carefully weighing all the pros and cons, wondering if anyone would really be interested in what I think.

But as I lay awake before dawn this morning, I realized that maybe I do have something to say. There is so little civility in the world these days. It's all about "what's mine" and "my rights."

What a sad place the world has become....

I don't honestly have a plan with this blog. I should, but I don't. Maybe we should start with a few ground rules.

1. I will never post pictures of myself. I'm not that photogenic.
2. I will post pictures of my cat. He loves the camera and is very photogenic (and no, people, I'm not a crazy cat lady, though some close family members may disagree with you).
3. If you read a post and disagree with what I have to say, please keep it clean and respectful. There's too little civil discourse in the world.

That's a good start. If I think of anything else, I'll post it later.

Thanks for reading. Next post, I'll tell you a little about how all of this started....
